Adaptive and Intelligent Edge Computing Based Building Energy Management System

Project Management

AI-BEMS gathers four partners from two countries that will coordinate two pilots in those countries, so the consortium has specifically designed the following structure to properly address all organizational needs:

Project Management

Steering Committee (SC)

It is chaired by the Project Coordinator (PC) and includes partners’ representatives. The SC aims to advise and support the decisions of the PC on operational and management issues. The SC will be responsible for the decisions within the frame of the QNRF contract and the consortium agreement. The SC will be convened several times at face-to-face Meetings.

SC Chair (PC)

The LPI, Mr. Javier Hernandez, will be the PC from Iberdrola QSTP. The PC is in charge of the management: the coordination of members and meetings; follow-up and adaptation of the project planning; communication and reporting towards the QNRF; overall monitoring of the progress of all work packages and procedures for the follow-up of the tasks; monitoring of the expenses and budget allocation.

Technical Committee (TC)

It is chaired by the Technical Coordinator (Mr. Javier Hernandez) and includes the WP leaders. The TC will be responsible for progress of the technical work. It will be convened every three months (face-to-face meetings and/or videoconferences). The TC will share the information about the advances made in different WPs, to support the implementation and running of the project. The TC will play a crucial coordination role among partners for the permeability of the attained knowledge and the developed outcomes, as well as for the roll out of the pilots.

WP Leaders

WP Leaders will assure the coordination between the WP teams and the exchange of intermediate results. They will monitor and assure the timely execution of the tasks in each WP, stimulating the interaction among participants. They are also responsible for the consolidation of the specification reports. The WP leaders will have monthly meetings.

Mr. Javier Hernandez (IB ME); Dr. Aiman Erbad (HBKU); Prof. Juan Manuel Corchado (UoS); Mr. Mahdi Houchati (IB ME)


AI-BEMS will look for external advice in critical aspects related to ethics and business sustainability. To this end, experienced members and experts in legal, business and energy will be involved, members from TASMU Smart Qatar Program will be part of the Advisors committee. These structures will solve issues and give recommendations about sensitive topics related to adopters’ concerns (ethics, privacy, data management…).